With a proud reputation of raising the profile of the greatest auteurs in Japanese animation, Anime Limited are delighted to announce that they are bringing to the big screen the directorial debut of a man who has made his name doing the same. Masashi Ando worked as Chief Animation Director on landmark films from Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki's legendary Princess Mononoke to the modern day sensation Your Name, and now his fantasy epic The Deer King will carve its own legend in selected cinemas nationwide from 27th July 2022.
A film that's been years in the making but is all the more resonant today, The Deer King is the story of an ancient people caught in the midst of a pandemic. When the dreaded Black Wolf Fever returns to ravage the land, old political scars draw new blood when two opposing nations have different plans for the man who could hold the secret to the cure: Van Gamsa, a former war hero and one of two sole survivors of a savage attack on the mine where he was enslaved. Van wants nothing more than to live a quiet life with his surrogate daughter Yuna, but when they become the targets of medical desperation, political fanaticism, and the mystery behind the pack of black wolves sweeping the land, Van will have to fight once more.
The rich, resonant and enthralling world of The Deer King is brought to the big screen in this stunning adaptation of the Japanese fantasy novels by award-winning writer Nahoko Uehashi, the original author of the celebrated Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit series. An enthralling adventure for fans of fantasy and anime alike, The Deer King is a more than worthy addition to the man who helped shape not just Princess Mononoke, but the world of Japanese animation as a whole.