Think you've got what it takes?
Okay - so you've found this page and you think, yeah - I can review a film or two, string a sentence together and get a couple of freebies thrown in for good measure. Before you fire off that email to me, think again.
Rule 1 - First up, reviewing films is pretty much going to eat up a fair bit of your spare time. After a while, if you can't keep up the pace, you'll slowly become snowed under with more and more review discs and not enough time to watch them, let alone write about them! You've got to love watching movies and sharing your opinions. You've got to enjoy sitting in front of the PC writing something positive about some of the worst movies you've ever seen. Remember rule one - all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy!
Rule 2 - quality not quantity. It's a simple rule, we've all heard it but I think in the realms of film reviewing it really does apply. Of course, if you can do both then you'll be the next Graeme Clark - but that takes both steely determination and dedication by the barrel load (and remember rule one will come in to play with avengeance!). You don't need to go off like a rocket, you should be able to keep a steady pace and turn reviews around regularly and
consistently, at a speed you can handle that doesn't start to get in the way of any other commitments you may have (i.e. a life).
Rule 3 - payment. Yeah
right... there's no rule 3 and there's nothing to
see here bar the fact you get your name in lights,
my undying gratitude that you decided to write for
The Spinning Image and of course your own bodyweight
in review discs each year - for which you'll
curse me (see Rule 2).
That's about it... if you
still think you're up to the challendge then we are
constantly on the look out for new reviewers and writers. If you feel you’d like to be involved with The Spinning Image (especially if you fancy going to press screenings – if you live in or near London, or want to review pre-release DVDs) then get in touch. You've got to love Cult Movies (see our definition here) and be passionate enough to write about them!