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Everybody admired Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs (1992), ja? I mean, you have to like a guy who can deftly cut a rug and ear. And Double-M was appealing enough in subsequent roles, you didn't...
It's strange how certain visual images make extraordinary impressions on you as a youth, eventually buried in the subconscious but not forgotten. By serendipity, you'll cross paths with the image agai...
Several years ago, my PC was set up to receive e-mail but not venture onto the 20th century's most overrated product--which is, of course, the Internet. At the time, a now-VERY-former Manor Maiden e-...
A staple of smut-flicks is the porno-isation of mainstream hits, Edward Penishands being possibly the most infamous. Vast majority are total dross with titles such as Load Warrior and <...
Rather than present a pair of reviews as per usual, this time I'm going to devote the column to a look at junkfilmdom's best-known director and two of the helmsmen I consider more worthy of attention....
It's generally acknowledged that Herschell Gordon Lewis was the Sire Of Splatter or, as another writer dubbed him, The Godfather Of Gore. While his predecessors doled out the blood with an eyedropper ...
I don't care what mainstream reviewers have to say about a picture, if a sitcom starlet is going about seriously revamping her image by baring her birthday suit in a very adult role, that's a good eno...
Wow, did I pull a boner last week, allowing myself to be talked into attending a screening in one of those so-called "art houses". Imagine my disgust at having to sit in the dark with ascot-wearing pa...
It's summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime. summert-i-i-i-i-i-me. And what does that mean at the Stately Estate? Beach movies, of course. However, as much as I admire Eric VonZipper (and Annette-...
It’s Halloween, what better time to delight in a couple of tricky treats by Alfredo Zacharias?!? Huh, you say you never heard of the man whose initials run the gamut from A to Z? Shirley, you jest! An...
As this is likely the final M-O-M of the millennium (in print form, at any rate), I though it apropos to get all Taoist on yo' ass and complete a circle.
Manor On Movies "premiered" as a couple of...
Some junkfilms deserve special attention for remarkable performances or dialogue obviously conceived by a maniac. Others do so for gross storyline inanity, bizarre directorial decisions or not even re...